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In today’s whirlwind world, it’s way too easy to feel zapped, swamped, and just plain off-kilter. Between never-ending work deadlines and the marathon of personal commitments, our vibes can take a serious hit if we don’t make a conscious effort to keep them bright and buoyant. Good news, though: there are some really straightforward, yet kickass ways to keep our energy in check, draw some healthy lines, and make our well-being a top priority.

Chillin’ Your Vibes with Sage:

Ever heard of smudging with sage? It’s this old-school trick loads of folks swear by to keep the good vibes flowing. Lighting up a sage stick and letting it smoke out the bad juju has roots that stretch back ages, across all sorts of cultures. They say the smoke from the sage can shoo away negativity, freshen up your space, and bring in a wave of calm and clear-headedness.

Getting into smudging is a breeze. Light the tip of a sage stick, give it a moment to get smoky, then puff out the flame and let the smoke drift around, especially in spots that feel a bit off. While you’re at it, picture booting out the bad vibes and rolling out the red carpet for all things bright and beautiful. And hey, snagging a sage bundle is easy peasy—I found this awesome one by Bholy Sage Plus on Amazon that I totally dig!

Pumping Up the Positive with Intentions:

Another ace up your sleeve for energy protection is setting intentions. It’s all about steering your thoughts and energy toward the good stuff you want more of in your life. Spare a moment each day to think about how you wanna feel, the wins you’re aiming for, and the kind of energy you want to be surrounded by. Jot them down, meditate on them, or just say them out loud to yourself. This little ritual can really sync up your actions and headspace with your goals, making it easier for that positive energy to find its way to you. And, if you’re looking for a little guide, check out my free ebook on getting your vibes and goals to jive.

Washing Away the Woes with Salt Baths:

Not all detox is about green juices and fasting; sometimes, a good old salt bath can do wonders for your spirit. Whether it’s Epsom, Himalayan, or plain sea salt, a generous scoop in a warm bath can help melt away the stress and negativity. Imagine all the tension and bad vibes washing off you and swirling down the drain as you soak. For a quick fix, a salt scrub during your shower can be just as refreshing. I’m a big fan of Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salts—total game-changer for me, and though they’re pretty much everywhere, I grab mine from Amazon.

Self-Care and Boundary Setting Like a Boss:

Getting real about protecting your energy means getting smart with your boundaries and making self-care non-negotiable. I learned this the hard way when my mom was in the hospital. Being an empath, I was soaking up all the emotions around me, which left me totally drained. That was my wake-up call to get proactive about shielding my vibes, especially during tough times.

I even got my daughters on board—we’re all about that sage life and setting our intentions now. It’s made such a difference in keeping our space positive and supportive for each other.

Always remember, taking care of you isn’t selfish; it’s essential for keeping your energy up and your spirit light. Carve out some “me time” every day to do something that fills your cup—be it hitting the gym, meditating, soaking up some nature, or curling up with a good book and your favorite tea. Speaking of books, I’m currently all about ‘Unlocking The Quantum Woman‘ by Shamina Taylor—seriously powerful stuff.

Rolling these practices into your routine can seriously transform your vibe, cleanse your spirit, and make well-being your priority. By setting clear intentions, giving your body a little detox love, and being firm with your boundaries, you’re laying down a solid foundation of positive energy that’ll fuel a more vibrant and fulfilling life.

Stay tuned for more blogs in the near future!

With Great Love,

Nurturing Your Energy: A Guide to Protecting, Cleansing, and Prioritizing Your Wellbeing

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